Thursday, May 22, 2008

These People Exist

There's a great video here that examines the reasons for Obama's losses in the Appalachian parts of America. The conclusion: Appalachian people are hilarious caricatures of themselves, and also cripplingly racist. It's a good report, but a few things really stood out:
-Multiple interviews with coal miners
-A man auctioning a plastic chicken and individual cans of beans, as his job
-Frequent toothlessness
-A "retired coal miner and voter" named Oakley Delong who:
  • Has a flagpole outside his trailer which bears a large confederate flag, in the middle of which is a cartoon bulldog wearing a confederate soldier hat
  • Has two empty 24-pack beer cartons right next to his chair, indicating that he puts his beer there for easy access before not throwing the boxes away (alternatively: he throws the boxes away daily, and they caught him after 3 pm)
  • Is wearing a hat that appears to say "SkyCare" underneath a picture of a fish
  • Claims that "the front people" kept black people at the back of the bus so long that now "we have to be careful they don't put us at the back of the bus.
  • Basically lives in a bus
It's too bad for Clinton the primaries aren't taking place in a Snuffy Smith cartoon.

1 comment:

taylor said...