Tuesday, July 8, 2008

economies of scale

Even if you're one of those people who thinks that doing something that is demonstrably ineffective will one day be effective, McCain is probably starting to sound a little irrational during the periods of his monotonous dronings when he says "economy" alot.

I can't help but directly quote a CNN article here, because there's just some things that are too aggravating to parody.

Sen. John McCain on Tuesday brushed off skepticism from economists and insisted he could balance the budget by 2013 by keeping taxes low and curbing spending.

"We're going to restrain spending, we're going to have the economy grow again and increase revenues. The problem is that spending got completely out of control," McCain said on CNN's "American Morning."

He should be careful here. A lot of liberals agree that spending is out of control, and that will piss off a lot of blue collar whites. For example: $535,000,000,000 (or $340,000,000 per day) is a lot of money to be spending for no reason.

McCain is in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts, which are set to expire in 2010.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has projected that by extending the cuts, which McCain originally opposed, and including the additional cuts McCain has proposed, the deficit for 2013 would be somewhere around $439 billion to $445 billion.

$440 billion . . . and that's just from extending tax cuts. If he extends the war til 2013 at current spending rates, that will have cost well over $1 trillion, which is, like, a few thousand car batteries. And if he extends it another hundred years, as he suggested, federal money not collected from the tax cuts will have to somehow foot at $10.7 trillion bill.

McCain disputes those figures because "they're static numbers -- not saying that revenues will increase with a strong economy and with low taxes. That's the difference, and I respectfully disagree."

Okay, McCain disagrees with economists. That's happened before with the gas tax, when he stood strong and defied everyone with an education on the matter. But wait . . .

"There's a whole lot of economists, including Nobel laureates, that agree with my plan," McCain said.

Talk about flip-flopping! Do we trust these communist (probably) intellectual assholes or don't we?

Another thing I've noticed about McCain "respectfully disagreeing" with people is that he typically decides to do that after they've refuted every one of his arguments. At least that's how it happened when Ellen Degeneres used her lesbo mind tricks to back him into a corner about civil rights on her show.

The article goes on to outline the fact that he plans on balancing the budget by doing things that would in no way accomplish that task, but I can't go on any longer or I'll start crying.

1 comment:

taylor said...


/i need a large iced latte