Friday, September 5, 2008

mr. familiar

McCain's speech last night was pretty good. Maybe it wasn't a brilliant speech, but he came off as really nice and genuine. It made me like McCain again, for at least a day. He's still the wrong man for the moment and his campaign is a gruesome Rovian hack machine, but the guy himself seemed nice for the first time in a while.

It looks like his goal in that speech was to be Mr. Familiar. In these dangerous times, his appeal is gonna be "You know me, I've been around." A lot of the pundits say that his speech sucked, but he looked like a guy we've known for a long time. That'll be a good gambit for winning over the middle.

Something I don't get about him is, everything in his mythology and in the journalism indicates that he's this tough guy, maverick, fighter- but he looks so fucking meek every time he gives a speech. He doesn't just look old, he looks delicate. soft.

Obama truly looks more Presidential, and the debates are gonna make a jarring visual contrast.

1 comment:

taylor said...

i agree. his speech incited less loathing in me on whole than split seconds when the camera would pan to palin. also, it made me fall asleep. but that was 40 or so minutes in after sitting through cindy's creepy storytelling voice and that bombastic 'nam video introduction.