Either way, the McCain gaffes break down into three basic categories. First, we have Probably Just Senility, which includes:
- Confusing Somalia and the Sudan
- Referring to Putin as the President of Germany
- Referring to Czechoslovakia three different times, even though it has not existed for over 15 years
- Mentioning the Iraq/Pakistan border (roughly the equivalent, in terms of distance, of the North Dakota/Mexico border)
- Describing his Vice Presidential vetting process as "a Google"
- Describing his favorite blogs , which "Brooke and Mark" show him, as Drudge (not a blog), Politico (not a blog), and RealPolitics (not a thing)
- Screwing up his own anecdote about giving his Vietnamese captors the names of various Green Bay Packers (recently he said it was the Pittsburgh Steelers), even though he has told this story probably hundreds of times for forty years, and it's his own fucking story
- Two different jokes about killing Iranians
- A joke about how then-teenaged Chelsea Clinton was so ugly because her dad was Janet Reno
- A joke about a gorilla raping a woman
- Pressuring Obama into going abroad, where he sank three pointers and inspired nations, then criticizing him for going abroad
- Scheduling a press conference for an oil rig, right before a hurricane
- Having his wife put plagiarized recipes on the campaign website, instead of just not putting recipes on the campaign website
- Hinging his energy plan on gas taxes and drilling, even though he himself admits that neither will do anything
- Countering Obama's success abroad by fucking up an applesauce purchase on TV
Finally, we have Not Knowing Basic Facts About His Only Political Interest, Which Is War. This includes:
- Thinking that the Anbar Awakening was caused by the surge, even though it happened six months before the surge, and then getting mad at Obama for disagreeing
- Five years after the war started, not knowing basic facts about Al-Qaeda, Iran, the difference between Sunni and Shi'a, and Iraq, all at once
- Saying that troops were down to pre-surge levels when they were actually 20,000 troops above them
- Thinking that the Iraq War was a good idea in the first place
What the hell? What does his campaign staff even do? Are they literally just there to drive his bus? Has he given up? Maybe at the convention he'll change "Peace Prosperity Reform" to "Apathy Confusion Whatever" and the Straight Talk Express will become the "Ah, Fuck It Express". Maybe he's self-handicapping so he won't feel bad, i.e., "Hell, I came in second and I didn't even do anything." Maybe he just expects to be dead before the election. The debates this time around should be awesome.
Obama is half white....
so he'll be half a good president.
It sounds horrible, but he's got a point. White Presidents have historically done a terrible job.
That's why all those African countries are doing so well for themselves.
And I'm a SHE, by the way.
I also look forward to living in a country where being lazy and leeching off the government is socially acceptable.
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